The Value of Love.
© Anne Hodgins 2023
This topic has been top of mind for me a lot lately. What is the importance of love?
Growing up I was constantly reading. My favorite genre: young adult romance novels. I was, and very much still am, a hopeless romantic.
But a few months ago, I saw a video that changed my perspective on things. Not to be dramatic, but it quite honestly altered the way I see my life, and the way I see love.
© Anne Hodgins 2023
I can’t remember exactly what it said, but it was something along the lines of this:
As a society, we put such high value on the idea of romance, when in reality, friendship and family are equally as important.
It took me a second to fully accept it, hell, I think I even slightly rejected the notion at first. What is life if I don’t have the sole purpose of finding “the one”?
© Anne Hodgins 2023
But love is so very much more than simply romance. It surrounds and envelops us, each and every day, regardless of if we have a partner or not.
Love is always around.
Love is found in the way the dappled sunlight dances on the ground between the swaying branches and rustling leaves. It is seen in the way humans gather to watch the sunset, and heard in the quiet words of “drive safe” and “don’t stay up too late”.
Love is felt in blowing out birthday candles with friends, and long-awaited hugs from family, arms wrapped tenderly around shoulders and waists.
© Anne Hodgins 2023
Romance is beautiful, but it’s not the finale. It never was.
Romance is not the most important relationship. Dare I say it’s the least.
Because in those moments when you fall in love blindly, and hopelessly, and recklessly, who is there to help you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and offer a helping hand in moving forward?
So this year, I made a promise to myself. A promise to put as much effort into my friendships, and my family, as I would into a newfound love. Why not buy my friends flowers, why not call my family just to tell them I’m thinking of them. Why not be hopelessly, confidently, and supportively in love with all of the people I already know love me back.
What if that was the answer?
© Anne Hodgins 2023
So here’s to the gatherings of girlfriends, the thoughtfully planned out birthday celebrations, and the phone calls to family “just because”…
To the “this made me think of you”s, and the random bouquets for friends, the seemingly unnecessary embraces, and the “it’s all going to be okay”s.
Here’s to everything I should’ve done all this time for the ones I love, simply because they stayed,
And because I already know they love me back.
Love, Anne