26 Lessons

Cheers to 26 years of life, love, and learning.

  1. Rest is not a reward, it’s a necessary part of life.

  2. Expectations are the root of all disappointment. Set boundaries, not expectations.

  3. It’s okay to outgrow different parts of and people in your life.

  4. Don’t take advice from people who aren’t where you hope to be.

  5. Your dreams and goals can and should change as you do.

  6. Trust your gut.

  7. He’s not playing games, he literally just doesn’t care.

  8. You don’t need someone else to feel whole.

  9. If you can’t find it within yourself, you won’t be able to find it in someone else.

  10. Just take a deep breath.

  11. You will make it through, you always do.

  12. Order the fries.

  13. Your platonic relationships matter more than your romantic ones.

  14. What is meant for you will never pass you by. Opportunities, relationships, all of it.

  15. Your body doesn’t have to look the way it did when you were 17 to be beautiful.

  16. When it all feels hopeless, fake laugh, get outside, eat good food, and take a nap.

  17. Confidence is made, not given.

  18. Ask for help.

  19. Learn to say yes.

  20. And learn to say no.

  21. A partner should be the cherry on top to your life, not filling a gap where something’s missing. Fill it yourself first.

  22. It’s okay to move away from your family to follow your dreams. Try not to feel too guilty for leaving.

  23. Comparison is the thief of joy.

  24. Everything you’re experiencing, the good and the bad, is part of your story. Experience it fully.

  25. Stop caring what anyone thinks. Do what makes you truly happy, for you.

  26. Everything will be okay. No, really.

Love you, mean it.

xx Anne


September ‘23.


Love of my life.